
Poker Lesson How To Play Mtt Final Tables – What to learn about the lessons!!

Written by Evelyn

The vast majority of any tournament prize pool is reserved for the final table – and especially the top three spots. It’s going to be much more profitable for your poker career to make a few final tables than it will be to min-cash regularly. Always aim for the final table, and the win – that’s where the money is!

This might mean taking a few more high variance spots with a couple of tables left to try and ensure that you have a decent stack if you get to the final. Bandar Bola site will have the best betting tables to win in the leagues. The selection of the right tournament is possible with the intelligence of the gamblers. The earning of the cash is easy at the reputed online tables. The results are the best one for the bettors. 

Many players tighten up significantly around the final table. It’s a ‘second bubble’ in many ways, so look to exploit these players by opening up your game and stealing blinds over and over again if you notice players desperately hanging on in an attempt to hit the final.

Final Table Tactics

Work out what the other player’s intentions are. On a final table you will face lots of players with different goals. Some will be playing solely for the win and take great chances. Others will be looking to ladder up as much as possible because the money jumps are significant to them. Work out who is doing what and adjust schedule accordingly.

Don’t do anything stupid early. Patience is a big virtue on final tables. While you shouldn’t usually forfeit you chance of winning just to move up a few spots it doesn’t make sense to gamble recklessly early an either.

Pay very close attention to position and chip stacks of all the players. You have to know what everyone else is up to at the table because it should your decisions too. For example, if there’s a big chip leader on your left than you should tighten up a bit to avoid being bullied. But if you only have mid-stacks on your left you can play more hands as they won’t want to tangle and risk being dragged into short stack territory.

Basic ICM

ICM stands for Independent Chip Model, but you don’t need to know that… Basically, it means how much worth your chip stack has at any stage in the poker tournament.

On a final table ICM comes into play in other ways. For example, a big stack raises and you have a hand that you are tempted to play, like K-J . In a vacuum you should call or 3-bet. But on a final table there are other considerations – is there a guy in the blinds who only has a couple of BBs? If so, it makes sense to wait for that guy to get KO’d, make some extra cash and only then major chances at the poker table.

. In a vacuum you should call or 3-bet. But on a final table there are other considerations – is there a guy in the blinds who only has a couple of BBs? If so, it makes sense to wait for that guy to get KO’d, make some extra cash and only then major chances at the poker table. When you make a huge mistake like this it’s often called ‘ICM Suicide’. If you are second in chips and you go to war with the chip leader – let’s say you have Q-Q and he turns up with A-A – and get KO’d in 9th then you committed ICM suicide. This play would be fine versus a shorter stack but not in this particular spot!

As players get KO’d…

Some players don’t realise that the dynamics on an MTT final table are continually shifting. It will start 8/9 handed like most normal MTTs but as players get KO’d the table gets more short-handed and you should get more loose-aggressive.

Adapt once it gets 6-handed. Having experience in 6-max cash games will help here – hand values go down and your aggression should increase.

Steal the blinds and 3-bet much more from this point. If players are being passive, then you should exploit that.

Heads-up poker

Congratulations, you’ve made it to heads-up! BUT… You’re already in an awesome spot but there is always a massive difference between first and second place money. It’s all to play for.

You’re already in an awesome spot but there is always a massive difference between first and second place money. It’s all to play for. Don’t panic! Often by the time you get to heads-up the stacks will have condensed so you have a lot more ‘play’.

If you have a perceived edge on your opponent, then play lots of small pots and grind them into submission.

If you think you’re the underdog, then 3-bet a lot more and be prepared to gamble more.

About the author


I am Evelyn. I strive to provide the best information about the casino and gaming world. Our team helps to unfold the hidden gaming world.