Casino Poker

Why Playing Loose Poker Can Hurt You – Know the reasons!!

Written by Evelyn

Playing loose is a term in poker that denotes the strategy of frequently chasing hands. A loose poker player can be one of two things: a maniac who plays a lot of hands and aggressively raises bets in the hope of scaring other players into folding, or a calling station who in poker lingo is a player who frequently calls without taking opponents’ hands into consideration. Following are some reasons why playing loose poker can hurt you.

You will be easily short-stacked

Playing loose poker can hurt your bankroll most of all. The more hands you play, the more poker is going to cost you. For example, you were dealt four cards: a two, a five, an eight, and a nine. All of them are of different suits so you cannot hope for a flush. You can perhaps improve it if the flop reveals a seven and a six which you can use for a straight; maybe a three, four and six for another straight combination; maybe two cards similar to yours for two pairs; or at least one card similar to yours for a pair. Obviously, you can take one of two routes. You can fold before the flop, or you can go chasing a straight or two pairs; a pair wouldn’t help much because of the low values of your cards. Of the two alternatives, it would be better if you fold before the flop.

If you play loose and go chasing a straight hand or two pairs, you will have to at least match the bets pre-flop so that you can see if your hopes bear fruit. This will cost you money as the betting round can go on and on. A calling station will match all bets to get to the flop and a maniac will even raise the bets to make others drop out. If you want to play game casino online, then the checking of the essential is necessary. The reputation of the online casino is the best one to offer the benefits. The use of the skills and expertise is essential to have more winnings at the table. The use of the right strategy is important to play at the site.

Waiting for the flop can be good strategy once in a while, but the operative word is once in a while.

You should not play each hand to reach the flop, especially if you don’t have much hope of improving your hand. Playing every hand will cost you a lot of money and will easily get you short-stacked. When you finally get a monster hand, you may not have enough money to stay in the game, or you can’t raise the stakes enough to cover the losses your loose playing has already cost you.

You will need to win more to break even

Every time you play a hand, you are making a bet to stay in the game. Remember that the longer you stay playing a hand, the more it would cost you. Playing loose poker can be expensive in the long run and you’ll find it harder to break even.

For example, a game began with $1500 in original bankroll. A loose poker player awaits the flop for 15 hands. Let’s say that awaiting the flop costs an average of $10 dollars a hand. Fifteen hands therefore cost the loose player around $150 and his bankroll is reduced to $1350. To break even, this loose poker player needs to win back $150. If he had been more selective in the hands he played, maybe he might have lost only $50 after the same time period.

About the author


I am Evelyn. I strive to provide the best information about the casino and gaming world. Our team helps to unfold the hidden gaming world.