
All About Fable 2 Legendary Weapons

Written by Evelyn

Albion, the world of Fable 2, has four ranged legendary weapons and seven melee legendary weapons. Having one of each type (ranged and melee) can really give you the best combination of weaponry. This is a little about each of the legendary weapons.

The Enforcer – This is a blunderbuss that has a slow speed but a damage of 177. It has the ammo capacity of one and the reload time of 1 second. They have a range of 20. The Augments for this weapon are Barkskin and Lucky Charm. Legendary weapon are really rare but are quite helpful when it comes to gameplay. You can easily use their abilities to clear any level. judi online terpercaya provides you with the tier level, attack levels, and power levels of all the swords that are there in the game.

The Red Dragon – This is a pistol that has a normal speed and a damage of 41. It has the ammo capacity of six and a reload time of 0.75 second. They have a range of 35. The Augments for this weapon are Devastation and Lucky Charm.

The Perforator – This is a turret rifle that has a normal speed and a damage of 81. It has the ammo capacity of six and a reload time of 0.75 second. They have a range of 60. The Augments for this weapon are Fear Itself, Barkskin, Discipline

The Rammer – This is a crossbow that has normal speed and a damage of 119. There is unlimited ammo in a crossbow. The Augments for the Rammer are Ghoul, Flame, and Bewitching.

The Rising Sun – This is a cutting melee weapon that has a normal speed and a damage of 61. The Augment for the Rising Sun is Righteous Violence.

The Maelstrom – This cutting melee weapon has a normal speed and a damage of 58. The Augment for the Maelstrom is Scourge.

The Daichi – This katana sword melee weapon has a fast speed and a damage of 96. The Augments for the Daichi are Devastation, Killerwatt, and Bewitching.

The Hammerthyst – This is a hammer melee weapon that has a slow speed and a damage of 78. The Augment for the Hammerthyst is Barkskin.

The Chopper – This is an axe melee weapon that has a slow speed and a damage of 86. The Augments for the Chopper is Discipline and Stoneskin.

The Calavera – This is a mace melee weapon that has a slow speed and a damage of 67. The Augment for the Calavera is Flame.

The Wreckager – This is a cutting melee weapon that is only in the Limited Edition of Fable 2. There is a normal speed to this weapon, a damage of 78, and the Augments are Golden Touch, Stoneskin, and Fear Itself.

As you can see by the legendary weapons there is one of each class of weapon available to you. If you are a fan of swords you have a little more variety as there is more than one cutting weapon. With this “something for everyone” philosophy you won’t have to sacrifice the type of weapon you adore to wield a legendary weapon.

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I am Evelyn. I strive to provide the best information about the casino and gaming world. Our team helps to unfold the hidden gaming world.